Friday, October 7, 2011

#76- 52 Weeks of Color Challenge- Wenge 49/52

Ok, so I am dreading these last few weeks of the challenge.  Not only because I will miss doing color blogs...come on Luna, can't you keep this going????  But also I am dreading these last few weeks because of the colors we have been getting.  I mean Wenge...who has ever heard of that??  Surely not me, so what did I do, yes, I googled it.  And found some interesting information, so it reminds me of a story that is quite fitting.

So here is the base of the story, I looked out over the yard and saw a bunch of leaves falling from the trees.  So I decided to go raking the leaves.

So I raked and raked....

and raked and raked.  But then, I started to feel a bit itchy all I went in the house to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and this is what I saw....

Ouchy and Itchy!!!  This isn't good.  I look horrible.  Wonder what caused this?!!  I guess we have a wenge tree in our yard....dang it!!  That is the only thing I could think of that might have caused this horrid rash.

So I have decided that this is how I will look until the rash goes away.  Hope it goes away soon.

So until next time....

Madi is wearing:

Skin- Ava- Mocha- Hush Skins
Rash- All over tattoo- chicken pox
Hair- Babyhoney- gala- Truth
Outfit- Cold Autumn Outfit- Sassy Kitty Designs
Shoes- Pomski Boots- Black Forest- Kookie
Paper Bag- RC

Hope my SL gets better, don't want this rash anymore.  Remember to Enjoy Life and Love in SL, I know I will try to feel better.

Madi <3


  1. haha i loved your story.. and your nice casual look , bye bye Nic

  2. Lol ... guess I can be glad we don't have a wenge tree in our garden ...
    love that funny story ... ;-)

  3. LOL Madi I love how this turned out... fab honey!!! So funny!!!

  4. I love this post and the look on your face when you notice the rash is priceless! Great story!

  5. Great story, and you're the only gardener I know who rakes leaves in a crop top ;-).

  6. Lol. What a cute story Madi! I love your pictures!
